A problem for most authors, especially self-publishing ones, is to generate exposure. Get the word-of-mouth machine enough seeds so that a following can blossom.
One of the ways of doing this is to get one’s books into libraries. There is no cost barrier for readers to try out a new discovery. And then, who knows? The rise to best-sellerdom just might happen.
As most authors know, however, getting one’s books into library is no easy thing. Local libraries are besieged by authors donating free copies of their books. There just is not enough physical space for them.
Well, that is a generalization that is not totally true. Recently, thanks to the generosity of a friend, I was able to be added to his public library shelves.
Little Free Libraries is a great idea! https://littlefreelibrary.org
The librarian keeps weird hours. To get your own copy quicker, visit one of these links: