Intercalate Logo
Intercalate is an application, a process, a toolset.
Intercalate fills stencils with sense, patterns with purpose, templates with text.

Overview of the Intercalate toolset

Intercalate is a set of three tools developed to guide and facilitate the generation of synchronized realizations of data. These tools can be used as stand-alone graphical applications, but also provide interfaces which expose their power for use in embedded or non-interactive, scripted environments.

Property List Editor

The Property List Editor is a visual application that allows the creation and modification of what we call Property Lists — parameterized lists of data that capture the underlying model that we are working with. It is a full featured text editor with specific features to maintain Property List files — specifically keys, arrays, and dictionaries. Files may be imported or exported in either plist or xml format. The pages that follow will illustrate what we really mean by the term Property List.
Property List Editor screenshot


Template Editor

The Template Editor is a visual application that allows the creation and modification of what we call Templates — instructions for transforming the data in PropertyLists into one or more realizations that we desire.  It is a full featured text editor with specific features to maintain Template files. All of the Intercalate element keywords are highlighted and easily inserted using toolbar icons. Files may be imported or exported in either a traditional or xml format. The pages that follow illustrate what we really mean by the term Template.
Template Editor screenshot


Intercalate Generator

The Intercalate Generator is a visual application that takes Property Lists and Templates as input and produces what we call realizations as output.  Property List and Template files are selected, edited by invoking the Property List and Template Editors and then the resulting output generated and directed to the appropriate folder or directory. The Intercalate Generator lets you conveniently name and manage these components of the Intercalate process.
Template Editor screenshot


To understand more about what Property Lists, Templates, and realizations really are, study the examples in the next few pages.
Alodar Systems